Self Help Books You Didn’t Know You Needed

“She read books as one would breathe air; to fill up and live”

-Annie Dillard

My fourth grade teacher once told me that no matter what I was going through in life or if I needed , I just had to pick up a book. She is a goddess, and her advice resounds in my memory till this day. Reading has not only improved my academic life, but my overall personal life as well. Filling the mind with words  has great effects on the brain but the focus of this post will be to explain the self-help books you never knew you needed. Let’s get started.

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

The most life-changing book of my twenties? This one. I was at a point in time where I needed someone to tell me to stop crying and disqualify all the lies I’d told myself about me. This book is unique because it’s divided into the things you need to release, and the new habits you need to engage in to break out of negative patterns.

Need a pep talk? Pick this up. Need harsh truth? Pick this up. Do you think you’re a girl? Pick this up! I’d even recommend this to men who are looking to understand some of the things us women go through, the lies that society has us believe about ourselves. Anyone can pick this up and learn how to stop hating themselves for society’s lies.

I say it all the time, us women believe the lies and we repeat them to ourselves. Hollis tells us women the lies, how to confront them, and how to move forward with practical skills. If you take nothing else from this list, take this book.

Get yours here for $11

The Definitive Book of Body Language by Barabara Pease and Allan Pease

I cannot begin to explain how much this book will change your life and how it’s taught me to be a bit more observant of others. Reading body language is an incredible skill to hone, especially if you’re in an industry where you’re interacting with others. Whether you’re a marketer, a teacher, a psychologist, a behavior analyst, or a student doing a school presentation, this book is for you.

Learn about how people give away cues to what they’re thinking. The body is a dead give- away and you can use this knowledge to your advantage. Know if people think you’re talking too much, or if the guy at the bar is really interested in you. Understanding others before conversation begins is a powerful tool.

Not only will you learn about the language of others, but you will learn how to use your body to effectively convey a message to others. Want to appear confident but humble? Going for an interview?  There are effective ways to portray yourself using body language that just don’t exist in speech. A goddess knows a little bit of everything.

Get yours here for $14

Show Your Work! By Austen Kleon

I wrote a separate review for this book that you can find here, so I won’t talk about it too much.

This book is for the person who wants to create content for the world to see, but doesn’t know what to show or is afraid to show it. Kleon’s advice is practical and applicable, two things that were important to me when looking for a self-help book. This hit the nail on the head.

Rather than giving you a pep talk about how you can do anything you put your mind to (although that’s true) Kleon tells us that imperfection is key to building relationships with people in our network. We can use the internet to our advantage, and it’s never been easier to connect with others about the things you’re passionate about. Showing your work puts you out there, but it also leaves room for the beauty of imperfection.

Get yours here for $11

The Defining Decade by Dr. Meg Jay

I read this book twice, that’s how much I enjoyed it. I took extensive notes and each time I read it, I learned something new. Dr. Meg Jay provides advice to the twenty-something-year-old that can realign you and set you up for success. Your twenties are a valuable time in your life and although it can get confusing, here you have a guide to follow that can make it easier.

The topics covered in this book range from deciding on who to date and why, to how you should be investing your time in education or a job with capital. The book is written uniquely in that the reader learns about people who applied Dr. Jay’s advice and are making the most of their twenties. With so many possibilities, it’s easy to get distracted or linger in the wrong places that won’t serve you in the future. The twenties are a time for discovery, but not just of the world— of yourself, too. 

This book changed my life, and helped me make better decisions that will make more sense after my thirties and forties. Our actions now can aid us in where we want to be. Even if you’re not in your twenties, you will learn something from this book.

Get yours here for $13

#Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso

Sophie Amoruso is a goddess for sure, but she uses the term “girlboss” and I think she embodies it completely. In her book, she explained how she came to build the successful online store Nasty Gal, how her upbringing influenced her, and the skills she learned along the way.

What’s great about this book that I find refreshing, is how raw it is. Amoruso talks to the reader as if she were right in front of them. Her life advice is relatable but her rise to success is clear as her humorous jargon; she worked hard. She argued that while some thought it was luck, she knew what it took to get to her throne today, and that makes her a girlboss. 

I used to think this book was only for the woman who was aspiring to build a business or a blog, but I was wrong. This is for every woman with a goal that she’s not sure she can reach. This is for the woman who thinks luck and genetics have to do with it. Amoruso shows how you can come from very little and still reach your goal— that is, if you’re willing to change your mindset.

Get yours here for $15

The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

If you haven’t noticed, this list is about books that offer applicable advice on how to do whatever you want to do. Whether it’s learning to read others, or owning a business, you need some practice and a plan. A plan is what holds you accountable. 

The idea behind this book is an easy-to-follow curriculum that you create yourself using the guidelines provided. You consider every week a month, and you find that your goals and productivity are enhanced. The 12 Week Year shows you how you can get to your goals faster because you have a deadline.

Now, before you discredit deadlines, they are a good measure of time. It’s also worth noting that you’re not working incessantly until you reach a deadline. You are setting up smaller goals, or steps, to achieve the bigger picture. You are creating a score for yourself every week so that you can only get better and better. This means also reaching your goal faster.

The concept of the 12 week year seems intimidating to most, just the title is hard to fathom. Personally, I’ve applied this algorithm to a few of my goals and found it was helpful to score myself and hold myself accountable for every task for the day. This is a system for those who really want to buckle down, or are looking for that little bit of kick to up their discipline.

Get yours here for $13

That concludes our list, Queen. Remember reading is exercise for the mind, body, and spirit. Do it often. Do it with love. My hope is that you can find something on this list. Even if it’s one book, I’ll be glad knowing that you’re on the road to self-improvement and fulfillment. Until next time— go get ‘em, Queen.

-Lady Darcy

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